Day 8: Dog Day Again

Another hot day, too hot to be active but to stay in the shade of the patio waiting for the evening cool before going out onto the Common.

Arlo likes playing fetch and keeps picking his toy up and looking at me as if to say 'well throw it then!'.

We've reached a tacit agreement on how many times this can happen in a day and a reminder of who's the alpha here.

Everybody is out on the Common sitting around on the grass enjoying a barmy London day with their families and friends. 

A nice vibe to the place and just one big long social event throughout Saturday.

Tonight it's the second stage of enlightenment training where I talk Arlo through the principles of Police Interceptors.

It'll take a while to tune in to why the government spends so much money kicking down the doors of people on Universal Credit to confiscate their drugs, perhaps Arlo has a better idea.


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